
Adventure 2017- Part 4

Navigating Decisions

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Life presents you with numerous opportunities to make decisions.  Most days, our hardest decisions involve what to wear to work and what to have for dinner.  However, there comes a time when life begs you to make major decisions. Life altering decisions.  A college application.  A marriage proposal.  A real estate sign.  A job offer.  And for me, a cancer diagnosis. 

Since the diagnosis of breast cancer on January 9, I have navigated through numerous decisions that not only involve treatments but also, my work schedule and prioritizing just what really matters during this Adventure.

So, how does one go about making wise decisions in the midst of "heavy" life circumstances?   Here was my process.  May you find it helpful the next time you are faced with tough decisions.

1.  Journal the process:  Grab a notebook, your laptop, etc. and begin to write down all the thoughts running through your mind.  Clearing out your "headspace" is not only cathartic but actually can reduce stress and allow for restful nights. 

2.  Ask questions:

  •   What assumptions do you need to vet?  Your mind and even other people will tell you things that you are tempted just assume are for you. Rather than "go with it", test those assumptions against facts, research and God's word.
  •   What choices do you have?   Explore all options. 
  •   What are the pro's and con's (both short term and long term) of each choice you are     exploring? 
  •   What decision brings you God's peace?  God's word promises that He will give you wisdom if you ask. 
              If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  James 1:5

3.  Think & Process:  Once you've gathered all the options before you, it's important not to jump into a decision. Take a day or two.  Think through all the questions you've gotten answers to.  Go back to all the things you journaled.  Pray.  

4.   Act:   Once you make a decision, you must then act upon it.  The application of resolve and courage must be applied once you have a course of action.  

  •    What preparations need to be made given the decision you made?
  •    How will life be different because you made this decision?
  •    What will this mean for you, your family, your work, your calling/destiny?

At some point in life, you'll have to make a tough, perhaps even a life altering decision, as I have had to do this week.   May you find God's peace as you seek his wisdom.

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Many have asked what's next for me and my treatment.   After applying the steps above, what decision did I make regarding my breast cancer treatment?

After consultations with both my oncologist and then my surgeon and plastic surgeon,  I am proceeding with a bi-lateral mastectomy (double mastectomy) which will occur on February 15. 

My reasons are as follows:
1. First and foremost, this will give me peace of mind and limit the amount of worry I’ll experience regarding the re-occurrence of breast cancer.
2. The fact that radiation has some pretty significant side effects and can’t be delivered again to the same area.
3. The potential risks and side effects of the hormone blocker I'd need to take for five years if I just had a lumpectomy.
4. Conversations with patients (both ones that have had lumpectomies, radiation and hormone blocking treatment as well as those who have had double mastectomy’s.) And even some that had lumpectomies and then had to have mastectomy due to re-occurrence.

Now, you need to know that the recommended treatment for my Stage 0 DCIS breast cancer was lumpectomy, followed by radiation and the hormone blocking drug called Tamoxifen.  (Remember, test the assumptions and explore all options.) 

I am choosing a more invasive process that will require multiple surgeries and reconstruction.  I am choosing what is best for me and the decision that brought me God's peace.  
I may need other precautionary/preventive treatment depending on how my genetic testing comes back and I'll face those decisions as they come.  But this is what I know, God will be with me each step of the way. 
And, He'll be with you if you seek Him in your decision making. 

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Wherever you are on your journey, I'll adventure with you!   Lets journey through the decision making process together!  I'm here if you need me.